Sharnalata Agro Fisheries Ltd has been producing high quality monsex tilapia fry since 2005. We usually collect broodstock of GIFT (Genetically Improved Farm Tilapia) from Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute and World Fish Centre.

In 2011, we have collected Tilapia broodstock from Vietnam that grows 20-25% faster than existing strain of Tilapia in Bangladesh. Our director Mr Kadir Tarafder received training improved broodstck management in Can Tho University, Vietnam. 

During August 2014, Sharnalata MD Mr Kadir Tarafder has visited Philippines to collect improved broodstock from Philippines which is also high yielding. Monosex tilapia fry from these improved broodstock will be available from mid-March 2015.

We produce about 100% monosex tilapia fry by treating the spawn in cement cistern for first one week. Next two weeks are treated in the pond hapa.