Interdisciplinary Centre for Food Security (ICF)Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) is well known for Fisheries and Aquaculture throughout Bangladesh and even worldwide. In addition to the academic degree programs, need based trainings have also been important parts of the BAU activity. Considering the interest of farmers and hatchery managers, it is our pleasure to offer a hands‐on training course on tilapia farming, a booming industry in Bangladesh. The details of the course are as follows:



How to ProduceMillions of Best Quality Tilapia Fry and Table Fish



April 25 – May 03, 2014



Lecture at BAU and Hands-on Practice at Sharnalata Agro Fisheries Ltd


(including food & accommodation)


BDT 30000 (for Bangladeshi participants)

USD 650 (for SAARC participants)

USD 900 (for overseas participants)



Dr Ram C. Bhujel (AIT, Thailand)



Dr Harunur Rashid (ICF, BAU)

This course includes both seminar-cum-workshop followed by hands‐on practices. Hands-on practical works will be arranged at the hatchery and pond site after or before lectures. Topics include:

Lecture1: Monosex Hatchery Technology

Lecture2: Tilapia Farming Systems: Statusand Trends Worldwide

Lecture3: Water Quality Monitoring and Management

Lecture4: Feeds & Feeding Management for Tilapia in Ponds, Cages and Tanks

Lecture5: Fish Health Management and Food Safety

Lecture6: Farm/ Hatchery Design and Layout

Lecture7: Economics&Marketing

Lecture8: Farm Business Plan

Practicals:Egg collection in pondscleaning, staging, egg counting, weighing & incubation, Producing SRT feed, and weighing / preparing and feeding, Fertilization, Measuring DO, pH & Temperature etc. Nursing feeding and grading, SRT Feeding, SRT hapa changing, move completed SRT to nursing etc, sampling fish tissues to observe parasites, Gonad Squash to Monitor Fry Quality, move fry to Hatchery for conditioning and sale, count, Fry conditioning, packing preparation, grow-out sampling and feeding

It gives a lot of ideas about where and how tilapia farming can be applied. Each participant will be assisted in preparing a business plan before leaving. Therefore, it is suitable for those who want to start tilapia farms immediately or who want to provide consultancy to others. Using the technology, some of the farmers in Thailand have produced over 30 million fry per month i.e. 1 million a day! Many people say that it is hard to believe but this is happening in Thailand. Only those joining the training will know it and feel its value. Hurry up to reserve your seat!


Interdisciplinary Centre for Food Security (ICF)

Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh,Bangladesh

Tel:+88 01716 017 095 or;
