Md. Abdul Kadir Tarafder is the Managing Director cum Director Operations of the Company. Mr. Tarafder obtained his BSc in Fisheries (Hons.) from the Faculty of Fisheries (FOF), Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh in 1999. Later he obtained his MS in Aquaculture from the Department of Aquaculture, FOF, BAU in 2000. Supervised by former Dean of FOF-BAU Prof. Dr. Monoranjan Das, Mr. Tarafder gained the first-time success in induced breeding of an endangered fish species Nandus nandus (locally canned ‘meni’, ‘veda’).
Mr Tarafder is involved with the following professional organizations at different capacities:-
- General Secretary, Bangladesh Fish Hatchery & Farm Owners Association.
- Life Member, Fisheries Society of Bangladesh.
- Former Executive Committee Member (2017-19), Bangladesh Fisheries Research Forum (BFRF).
- Executive Member, Bangladesh Tilapia Foundation.
- Member, Aquaculture Society of Bangladesh.
- Chairman, Board of Directors, Mymensingh Ideal College.